Τετάρτη 15 Ιουλίου 2015

Did you watch Justin Bieber's new AMAZING music video | Where are ϋ Now

The one and only Justin Bieber, recently released his new music video called Where are You now.
His previous video clips are just some basic videos that you are going to find all over the internet because everyone nowadays is SWAGGIN' their a** out. But this new video is JUST INCREDIBLE. For the first time, I can personally say, that Biebz did something really proffessional and respectful. His creativity showed up and ruled YouTube. Justin's video has been watched by 34 million people and has been rated by more than 730 THOUSAND ones! We can surely say that if Mr.Swager [Artist] continues creating such creative and wonderful music videos, he will be the prince of pop with no doubt, someday!

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