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Τετάρτη 15 Ιουλίου 2015

Ex-Stepdad Of Briana Jungwirth Confirms She’s Pregnant With Louis Tomlinson’s Baby

The ex-stepdad of Briana Jungwirth, the stylist who was reported Tuesday to be having a baby with One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson, confirmed to BuzzFeed News on Wednesday that his former stepdaughter is pregnant.

“I emailed her mother and asked if Briana got pregnant from Louis Tomlinson and if she was going to be a grandmother and she said ‘yes,’” he said. Fitzgerald said he was Jungwirth’s stepfather for ten years.

Here are the messages Fitzgerald said he sent Briana’s mother, Tammi:

Danny Fitzgerald

Jungwirth and Tomlinson, both 23, were first seen together briefly in May, two months after the boy bander reportedly split from longtime girlfriend Eleanor Calder.

Danny Fitzgerald
Here’s Fitzgerald with Briana, on the far right; his son, Jeremy; and his ex-wife, Tammi. “Happy family,” he wrote to BuzzFeed in an email.

Reached at home yesterday, another relative of Jungwirth’s who asked not to be named said they were instructed not to talk to the media and to give her “peace and quiet.”

Representatives for Jungwirth and Tomlinson did not immediately return a request for comment on Fitzgerald’s remarks.

THE CRAZIEST SELFIES ARE HERE! Have you seen it all? (the last is the BEST)

People are stupid and awesome at the same time! They get risky just to do some unimportant things, such as taking a selfie. But there are others who just get RIDICULOUS for a selife. You will see what we are talking about!



Adrian Van Oyen uploaded on 12 July, a really really funny video on facebook in which you can see how to make your girlfriend stop talking during an argument!  In the video, there is one guy (who holds his phone) and girl next to him (who speaks a very strange language). The two people are arguing over something {(that we don't know) but it can be anything that makes girls freak out} and the girl has gone totally mad. So, the best way to make your girlfriend shut up is to... take a SELFIE!
This extremely cute selfie is not even close to what you are going to see but anyway!

YES! Just a selfie makes everything okay.Then we can say, a selfie a day keeps the silence in your home-hooray!

Watch the video here


Did you watch Justin Bieber's new AMAZING music video | Where are ϋ Now

The one and only Justin Bieber, recently released his new music video called Where are You now.
His previous video clips are just some basic videos that you are going to find all over the internet because everyone nowadays is SWAGGIN' their a** out. But this new video is JUST INCREDIBLE. For the first time, I can personally say, that Biebz did something really proffessional and respectful. His creativity showed up and ruled YouTube. Justin's video has been watched by 34 million people and has been rated by more than 730 THOUSAND ones! We can surely say that if Mr.Swager [Artist] continues creating such creative and wonderful music videos, he will be the prince of pop with no doubt, someday!

People are going crazy over Lady Gaga's new photos

Lady Gaga, 29, recently uploaded on her official instagram account three new photos of her wearing something really crazy. People all around the world critisized her as mad and out of her mind but the truth is that we actually loved it and we feel that people get things too serious. It's just clothes! Anyway, the eccentric star, Gaga, doesn't even care about all of those hateful comments because as she has proven before she has a pretty strong personality to be offended by some people.


This is What We've Learned About Pluto in the Past 24 Hours

New Horizons is racing to Pluto so quickly, we’re literally learning new things every single day. Exploration is a true planet-wide “Today I learned...” moment: we now know what makes up Pluto’s atmosphere, what makes up its ice cap, and exactly how big it is.
This is What We've Learned About Pluto in the Past 24 Hours
With data analyzed within the last day, researchers on the New Horizons team have processed enough Pluto flyby data to start nailing down all-new details. In the very first announcement of scientific discoveries from the New Horizons mission, we learned Pluto is the largest object in the Kuiper Belt, has gas escaping its atmosphere, and that the light-coloured polar cap is an ice cap.

Harry Potter characters got seriously HOT! (Saved the best for last)

You never know what to expect when it comes to celebrities who used to be very famous in their childhood years! All of them have changed and transformed into SEXY human beings that will surely turn you on! 9GAG collected some of the best transformations of Harry Poter's lead actors and what you are going to see in the next few seconds will cheer you up! Click the link below!

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